Faculty Research Groups
Our research groups are working in innovative fields of micro and nanotechnology. Click on a group to learn more.
- Bahl Research Group (Gaurav Bahl)
- Laboratory of Integrated Bio-Medical Nanotechnology Applications (Rashid Bashir)
- Innovative COmpound semiconductoR LABoratory (ICORLAB) (Can Bayram)
- Quantum and Nanoscale Photonics Lab (Simeon Bogdanov)
- Multimodality Imaging Research Lab (Yun-Sheng Chen)
- Photonic Device Research Group (Kent Choquette)
- Nano Sensors Group (Brian Cunningham)
- Advanced Semiconductor Device and Integration Laboratory (John Dallesasse)
- F.O.R.G.E. Lab (Peter D. Dragic)
- Fang Group (Kejie Fang)
- High Speed Integrated Circuits Group (Milton Feng)
- Photonic Systems Laboratory (Lynford Goddard)
- Illinois Laboratory of Integrated RF Microsystems (Songbin Gong)
- Irudayaraj Lab (Joseph Irudayaraj)
- Hyunseok Kim Research Group (Hyunseok Kim)
- Thin Film and Charged Particle Research Laboratory (Kyekyoon Kim)
- Computational and Quantum Nanotechnology (Jean-Pierre Leburton)
- The Lee Group (Minjoo Larry Lee)
- Smith Lab (Andrew M. Smith)
- Nanoengineering in the 2D limit (Arend van der Zande)
- Integrated Neuro Technologies (Yurii Vlasov)
- BioNano Photonics Lab (Yang Zhao)
- 2D Materials & Nano Device Group (Wenjuan Zhu)