Listed below are the requirements for accessing the HMNTL BioNanotech Lab. All steps will need to be completed before access is granted. Please reach out to with any questions.
Send a front and back copy of your icard. Access is granted through the numbers associated with your physical card. If you obtain a new card, it will need to be sent in to update your account before you're able to access the building again.
Building Safety
Building safety training is necessary to be in HMNTL labs. View the linked trainings and complete the questionnaire following.
Once all trainings are submitted, you will be contacted to schedule an orientation. After your orientation is complete, you will be granted access.
If physical keys are needed to labs or offices, a request form is needed. Please complete and have your advisor either sign before submission or include the approval in the access approval email.
Once all trainings are completed and access has been granted, BioNano Lab users should contact the appropriate staff member to schedule individual training on any specialized equipment.
Safety Fact Sheets
A list of essential fact sheets providing details about working with BioSafety Level 2 (BSL-2) hazardous materials can be found on the DRS web site. (See: Biological Safety Fact Sheets.) Researchers and PI/Faculty are urged to read and understand these documents prior to the start of their work in the HMNTL BioNano Labs. For further information please refer to the CDC booklet Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL).